(931) 315-9003

With all the liquid lime out there. We decided to change our formula and add Carbon. This gives us C & C. The only liquid calcium on the market with carbon to feed your microbes and soil at the same time as raising your PH for as low as $15.00 per acre. Much lower application rates than other products on the market. And provide you your plants and soil with carbon for an extra boost adding calcium alone will never give you.  We should be able to change your PH by 1 %  with a quart to the acre in less than 7 days.

How Much do I Need?

All of our products have a recommended rate of 32 oz to the acre so:
1 Bucket (5 Gallons) Treats 20 Acres
6 Buckets (30 Gallons) Treats 120 Acres
11 Buckets (55 Gallons) Treats 220 Acres
21 Buckets (105 Gallons) Treats 420 Acres

We sell this product in quantities of 5 Gallon Buckets

1-5 Buckets- price is $60 per gallon ($300/bucket)
6 – 10 Buckets- price is $58 per gallon (
11-20 Buckets-  price is $56 per gallon (
21-50 Buckets- price is $54 per gallon (

More than 50 Buckets, please call 931-315-9003

Call for Availability

With all the liquid lime out there. We decided to change our formula and add Carbon. This gives us C & C. The only liquid calcium on the market with carbon to feed your microbes and soil at the same time as raising your PH for as low as $15.00 per acre. Much lower application rates than other products on the market. And provide you your plants and soil with carbon for an extra boost adding calcium alone will never give you.  We should be able to change your PH by 1 %  with a quart to the acre in less than 7 days.

How Much do I Need?

All of our products have a recommended rate of 32 oz to the acre so:
1 Bucket (5 Gallons) Treats 20 Acres
6 Buckets (30 Gallons) Treats 120 Acres
11 Buckets (55 Gallons) Treats 220 Acres
21 Buckets (105 Gallons) Treats 420 Acres

We sell this product in quantities of 5 Gallon Buckets

1-5 Buckets- price is $60 per gallon ($300/bucket)
6 – 10 Buckets- price is $58 per gallon (
11-20 Buckets-  price is $56 per gallon (
21-50 Buckets- price is $54 per gallon (

More than 50 Buckets, please call 931-315-9003

With all the liquid lime out there. We decided to change our formula and add Carbon. This gives us C & C. The only liquid calcium on the market with carbon to feed your microbes and soil at the same time as raising your PH for as low as $15.00 per acre. Much lower application rates than other products on the market. And provide you your plants and soil with carbon for an extra boost adding calcium alone will never give you.  We should be able to change your PH by 1 %  with a quart to the acre in less than 7 days.

How Much do I Need?

All of our products have a recommended rate of 32 oz to the acre so:
1 Bucket (5 Gallons) Treats 20 Acres
6 Buckets (30 Gallons) Treats 120 Acres
11 Buckets (55 Gallons) Treats 220 Acres
21 Buckets (105 Gallons) Treats 420 Acres

We sell this product in quantities of 5 Gallon Buckets

1-5 Buckets- price is $60 per gallon ($300/bucket)
6 – 10 Buckets- price is $58 per gallon (
11-20 Buckets-  price is $56 per gallon (
21-50 Buckets- price is $54 per gallon (

More than 50 Buckets, please call 931-315-9003

(931) 315-9003
(931) 315-9003